08 May 2006

Feck! Arse! Drink!

It's been a while since my last post - I've been struggling through some nagging injuries and general crappiness lately and haven't felt much like adding to this blog. In other words, feeling sorry for myself. The training demands are, I'm finding, not only physically difficult (hence the injuries) but mentally difficult too. I feel like I should be doing more but time constraints and physical limitations are preventing me from spending more time training. Ok, enough moaning.

Back to nutrition requirements. I found an excellent guide to raceday nutrition that you should read if you're doing an IM. It's on triathloncoach.net and it's from Gordo Bryn, who is co-author of the IM Training book I have at home.

A couple of points I did not know - don't mix solid food with sports drink. Use plain water to wash down energy bars or gels. Also, Gordo recommends not using solid food at all! Dunno about that one, but I'll try it on a long training ride and see how it goes.

Other sources confirm my last post - about 900ml per hour (200-450 calories depending on weight) while on the bike. That's a lot of water for a hydrophobe like me but I'll have to get used to it between now and race day. Bottoms up!


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